



2024-07-25 04:19:15 来源:网络


physically是什么意思 -
physically的是意思肉体上physically 基本解释adv. 体格上,身体上;物理上;lt;非正>完全地中文词源physically 肉体上来自physical,肉体的。physically 用法和例句提示:She physically felt fine and wanted to go .她觉得身体上没有问题,她要去享受这个假期。Stay active , physically and mentally 后面会介绍。
1.Those are stronger incentives to stay sharp than golden hellos, handcuffs orparachutes.相对于签约金、黄金手铐或降落伞,这些是促使他们开动脑筋的更强有力的激励。2.The fourth option is to sell services to supplement your retirement income or just to have fun and stay active in your有帮助请点赞。


night什么意思? -
night的意思是夜晚。英[naɪt] 美[naɪt]n. 夜晚adj. 夜晚的例句:We can see the stars at night.翻译:夜晚我们可以看见星群。短语:1、pass a night 过夜2、put up for the night 过夜3、spend a night 过夜后面会介绍。
2.Playing badminton is my favorite extra-curricular activity because it helps me stay active and relieve stress.打羽毛球是我最喜欢的课外活动,因为它可以帮助我保持活跃并缓解压力。3.I have been practicing badminton every day after school as part of my extra-curricular commitment.作为我的是什么。
Stay sharp是什么意思? -
Stay sharp,保持警惕,保持锐利,要保持敏锐。例句如下:1.In order to stay sharp, it is important that you exercise your brain.为了保持敏锐,锻炼你的大脑是很重要的。2.You probably count on your daily jolt of caffeine to wake up your brain and staysharp all day long.你可能指望你希望你能满意。
as还有呢?as意思:“像…一样;如同”,多用于肯定式。如:I never went through a final exam that was as difficult as that one 我从来没有碰到过像那次那么难的期末考试。词汇解析:as 读法:英[æz; əz] 美[æz; əz]释义:1、adv. 如同,像……一样2、..
服装红标绿标蓝标什么意思 -
我思想高度集中,不在乎外面的喧嚷声。2. 不偏不倚的;中立的remain indifferent in a dispute 在争端中保持中立3. 不重要的,无关紧要的[(+to)]It's quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.你去也好,留也好,我无所谓。4. 中等的;一般性的;平庸的[B]I'm an indifferent cook后面会介绍。.
Love Forever是什么意思? -
old social order was gone forever.旧的社会制度一去不复返了。4. Thank God! I am finished writing that service guide! It took me forever!谢天谢地!我写完服务指南啦!我以为写不完了呢!5. She is highly intelligent and her mind is forever active.她聪明过人,思维始终敏捷灵活。
Sometimes i stay at home during the weekend 有时周末我待在家里程度副词在句子中的位置与频率副词的情况相似He is almost forty years old 他快四十岁了He can hardly understand you 他几乎听不懂你的话副词的比较等级单音节和个别双音节副词通过加后缀-er,-est构成比较级和最高级. 绝大多数副词借助more,等我继续说。